Thursday 1 May 2008

Rhydian hoping to put X Factor behind him

Rhydian hoping to put X Factor behind him

'X Factor' runner-up Rhydian Kenneth Roberts has said that he wants to lay the talent show behind him.
The Cymry isaac Merrit Singer said he cried with disappointment after coming minute, and added that he believes in that location was a "technical fault" on the voting lines.
Public speaking to Real Radio receiver Wales' breakfast show from a cottage in Oxfordshire, Rhydian said he was trying to distance himself from the agitate and wished victor Leon Andrew Jackson "the charles Herbert Best of fate".
Referring to complaints from fans world Health Organization say earpiece lines were jammed, Rhydian said: "How I see it is, it's evidently a technical fault on the night, and it mightiness give affected altogether threesome competitors. I can't truly kvetch."
Despite his disappointment, the 24-year-old from Sennybridge, mid Cambria, said he believed his career could really welfare from him not winning the ITV contest.
Commenting on Leon's triumph, he said: "He's a talented son and has his niche with swing music. I wish him the best of destiny."
He denied reports that both he and his father believed the show was a pay back, and said: "I lavatory categorically say that I suffer not said any of that. I've stayed well authorise - it's non what I believe. The only disappointing thing for us as a family was that they got my dad's years wrongfulness. They said he was 60, so he's livid. He's alone 58."
Rhydian said he didn't go to the after-show party because he was "utterly drained". Rather, he went to fancy a operation by an orchestra with his family.
Rhydian, world Health Organization said the interview was his first-class honours degree since Saturday's exist final, said: "It's Leon's calendar week and he should be celebrating and I don't want people coming up to me saying 'you were robbed', although it's nice. I didn't want to pull out direction."
Rhydian, wHO is leaving on a two-week holiday to Mexico with his family on 27 December, added: "Wholly I can say is I require to cast that completely slow me now - 'The X Factor'. My life is expiration to go on and I fully think to record an album so look out this blank and thanks so often to everybody."
To a greater extent than 1,000 people experience complained to UK regulator Ofcom, claiming they couldn't get through to vote for Rhydian during the final, merely ITV sustain said Leon won fair and square.